Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The first positive crticism that i got for my blog was from a most positive and happy-go-lucky person...a person who laughs from the depths of his soul with glee and merriment in his eyes...

i go for yoga classes where we have a laughter session once a week for about five minutes...someone rightly said that the most difficult thing to do is to make people laugh...because we in our yoga class definitely struggle to laugh cotinuously for five minutes....

Its unbelievably difficult to break into unabandoned laughter just like that and sustain it for five whole minutes...five minutes seems dreadful and unbearably long then..

But this person,herefore mentioned,laughs spontaneuosly from some incredibly joyous corner of his heart and spreads the energy of it all around him...soon we are all engulfed in the energy emanating from him and breaking into cheerful laughter!...

when this person is not present in the class,its quite a different story...we cut a sorry picture...all of us are pathetic,struggling laughers who are on the verge of tears and desperation trying to laugh...our artificial laughter grates on our nerves!....and so naturally instead of feeling relaxed and happy at the end of such a session,we are left with aching jaws and a heartfelt prayer of gratitude to the One Above that its over and done with!!!....

on the other hand, when the above mentioned person is present we ,almost always, have a great laughter-session,feeling serenely still afterwards ...and realise the truth of the statement that "Laughter is God's medicine.Everybody ought to bathe in it"... our taut nerves loosen and we feel one with the Universe in the short,minute long meditation after our session...

so thank-you sir for making us all laugh...thats quite an invaluable gift you possess!

P.S.,......(sir,your suggestion for improving my blog is well-taken..i shall stop writing critical,negtaive,rebellious articles for some time and write about myself for a change!)


SSQuo said...

I remember seeing groups of people with their hands in the air laughing away. I think even though it is forced initially, (or so I think) it inevitably does lighten the spirit, yes? :)

nishaa said...

yes,you are right.. a good laugh is such a stress-buster!

The initial moments of forced laughter are difficult to get through..pretending to laugh is no fun!But the end-result of calming stillness that one feels more than makes up for it.